Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Prayer for the Sleep Deprived

Prayer for the sleep deprived:  Lord please guide me through the blur to take care of and respect the life in and around me.  Help me remember that what I over-give to my work, I take from my health because this is work too.  Thank you for my work, every day I am privileged to be with so many wise and beautiful souls, and be totally humbled by how good my health needs to be to fulfill my commitments.  And take into your hands the errors, the impatience and bad judgments that come so easily after not having slept for two years.  Finally Lord, I pray for sweet, dreamless sleep and awakenings so bright I need my sunglasses all night long.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Oh YES! I can totally relate.ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ